Wednesday, May 5, 2010

There's an App for That

Six of the most annoying words in the English vocabulary:


I am unabashedly, unequivocally IN LOVE with my iPhone. That's right, iHeart my iPhone. Despite what that "other company" says about AT&T's dead zones, or lack of service area (or whatever they're calling it in their ads this week), I rarely have issues connecting to the server. And my phone is now over a year old, rendering it antiquated and nearly obsolete in the world of cellular electronics.

That, my friends, is what makes the last hour of my time with my beloved smart phone so completely frustrating. I was away from my PC for a mere hour and a half, and felt completely lost (that kind of says something about me, doesn't it?). Don't get me wrong, I can float away from cyberspace (with only slight detoxing side effects) for hours and hours, but this weekend, I will be leaving Big Daddy and the kids to fend for themselves for four days, so there are many a plan to be finalized and all that. This is no time to be unplugged. Unnecessary anxiety has set in.

What's wrong with my phone? What if it's broken. What if I don't have a phone over my weekend away?

I have tried to connect no less than 1,000,000,000 times over the past hour and five minutes, with those same God-awful words popping up every time.

Let me try to distract myself with something else.....

You know how, "they got an app for that?" Most (all) of my apps are FOC, just because I don't have time or $$ to invest in the fancy stuff. Many would accuse me of not fully reaching my iPhone potential. Call me a simpleton. I still have my favorites. Here are some top-billed (free) apps in Aleighopolis:

Words Free (Words With Friends) - my new favorite. My Sis-in-Law got me started in this virtual scrabble game, and now we're in constant battle - me in Philly, she in Ft. Worth. She and my nephew are the only people I engage in wordplay with, and I have yet to win a game. Although, I have to say, I WAS winning one round, and mysteriously, it disappeared. Never to be heard from again. I smell hijinks (which would make a kick-ass triple word play).

ESPN ScoreCenter - most fervently used during the fall to keep track of the Indianapolis Colts and the Philadelphia Phillies post-season play.

Shazam - musical voodoo at the touch of a screen.

Notes & Voice Memos - great for quick citations. Remember when we used to have to write notes on paper?!? How archaic!

I realize these aren't the most titillating of iPhone applications, but they serve me well on a day to day basis (and I suppose I would be remiss to leave off facebook mobile for obvioso reasons). If you want apps that would incite a riot (or at the very least, make a middle-aged mama squeal with delight), how about creating one of these:

The Carpool - At the tap of your screen, coordinate with your entire contact list to determine who could drive whom when and where, thus avoiding endless emails, texts, and phone calls with said network.

Copperfield Dinner - type in your random on-hand ingredients (mine would read 2 cans of chicken, a sleeve of saltines, a jar of green olives and ranch dressing), and feast your eyes on a delectable gourmet recipe, complete with calorie, fat, and carb count.

Personal Trainer (from Hades) - This app would work on an interval training schedule, alerting you to various cardio and strength-training feats throughout your day. One may find themselves shopping in Target, when "Personal Trainer" demands they "drop and give him two sets of ten!"

Extraordinary Excuses - Keep this one on page one for quick reference when asked to chair the next fundraising event at your child's school.

Grocery Getter - This app acts as a liason between you and your favorite, local supermarket. You input your grocery list and debit card info, and the store has everything grabbed off the shelves, bagged in recycled totes, and waiting for you curbside as you do a food drive-by.

And how about one more....

Because I'm the Mom! - this would be random comebacks to your children's most annoying questions and requests.

Tween Daughter: Mom! Why can't I go to the Katy Perry concert?

Because I'm the Mom: Because I said so!

Wait - I could create that one myself on my voice memo app!

So what's your favorite app? What's your dream app?

By the way....crisis averted. Very few iPhone problems CAN'T be fixed by simply turning it off and turning it back on.

Kind of like Big Daddy.


  1. I have no iPhone, and therefore I have no apps. Sniff. But I do freak out when I have no signal, and I had no cell phone when I was in Dayton, and it nearly undid me.

  2. I read about that on your blog, Julie! If that ever happens again, ask the front desk for a charger. They have a bazillion left behind by guests.

  3. No iPhone here either. If I had such access, my husband would divorce me on the grounds of negligence to my family.

    BTW, any chance you'd want to hop a train to NYC on May 22 or 23rd? I'd love to do coffee with you. (And I obviously have no idea how far Philly is from Manhattan by train. I know NJ isn't that big, but please forgive my boldness if this is out of line.)

  4. Ah, I confess I'm with that "other company" and LOVE it when, in my Dad's house, she stares at her iPhone with no coverage and whimpers, "but but but .... my friends live in there!!!" I have a Droid Eris and now understand why she generally sleeps with her phone in hand. Constant connection is addictive at times (and annoying as hell at others).

  5. Hi iPhone (Sprint!) however I do have the iTouch and the Winkpass iPeriod ROCKS, ladies! Get to my OB - never remember the last date, just pull our my iPeriod and it tells me my LMP. Most fertile? Again, iPeriod has a little chart on the calendar highlighting "fertile" and "non-fertile" days. Planning vacation or a weekend away? Based on the previous entries, it shows you the dates for the next 12 to come. Awesome for something I don't like to think about. Now I don't have to. BTW..."Days Remaining 16, Next Expected Period 7/17/2010". Sorry, TMI?

    Love you!
