Saturday, February 20, 2010

Does this Blog Make My Butt Look Big?

Tah-dah! Here it is. What literally NO ONE has been waiting for… first blog. I’ve been threatening to start a blog for months (years), but never had the time. Scratch that. Inspiration? Hmmm. Guts. Nailed it. Hence, the title. * I mean, why put yourself out there in cyberspace for all the sarcastic nothing-better-to-do’s to comment on – questioning your intelligence and emphatically assuring you that nobody cares what you think? Let’s face it. Blogging is a bit narcissistic. I mean, unless you’re an expert in some field of interest, or you’re personally experiencing a life-altering situation which has given you an epiphanical slant – who DOES care what you have to say, other than you? The Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus once said, “If you wish to be a writer, than write.” I doubt the 1st century philosopher could have imagined the number of people who would fancy themselves writers and publish their “works” on the world wide web. However, I wish to be a writer. The truth is, I’ve longed to quip and quote since the early days of Erma Bombeck. Never would I compare myself to the divine domestic diva, but in her spirit, I’m inspired. Is that redundant? Never mind. Doesn’t matter. If this blog makes my butt look big, so be it. I wished for something, and made it come true. (What was that?!? I believe Erma and Epictetus just rolled over in their graves)

* “Does this Blog Make my Butt Look Big” was meant to be the title of my new blog, not just the first entry. But apparently, I’m not as original as I had thought. Blogging Lesson One: Someone else has already thought it, perfected it, and published it. Adjust. Adapt. Move on.


  1. Welcome to blogger's world Ang! I love the posts you have written, and look forward to hearing more!

  2. I care what you have to say, if that matters! You're awesome, you know.

  3. I care what you have to say! 'Cause you say it with such style and flair! :) If words were a wig I would think I was in Baltimore Hon! Keep
    'em coming Aleigh and if you start taking some pics you will be amazed how fun it is to go back and see your life day by day...

  4. Love it!! And, yes, we're a bit narcissistic because, honestly, everyone SHOULD care what we say. ;) Have fun!
